Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Rings Don't Fit Anymore!

"Let's start at the very begining, It's a very good place to Start" My first Blog post! I'm sure everyone says that in the begining. Wouldn't want to dissappoint! I bet you are wondering about the title of our blog! If you look at the pictures above you might not need the following explanation. Between Stephen and I we have lost 150 pounds since last year at this time! That is a whole person!!! It's shocking to think that we let ourselves get that bad!!! We have worked hard and now we are reaping the rewards!! We are healthier, happier and we both have more energy to live more productive lives!
I feel overwhelmed at the thought of the task I am undertaking starting this thing!!! Stephen and I both have family who live far away! If nothing else this blog will be a medium in which we can share our lives with those we love! I don't know if anyone will read this but I do know I fell excited about the process!! Lets see If I can fit this into my already full schedule!!! Stay tuned!


  1. I will keep up on your posts this is relly cool!!!

  2. Wow! That is so amazing! Congrats girl - you guys look great!
